Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Love, Lisa
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Miscellaneous stuff
I have actually been fairly productive yesterday and today and got the house all clean, laundry all done, and grocery shopping done. . .among other things. One of those other things it scrapbooking. Last night I finished one page and completed another. These are both from Christmas 2008. . .one from our Cookie Baking day and one from Christmas Eve which were both in Fordland.

I am actually using the same paper on all of my Christmas 2008 pages. It is from a Ki Memories paper pack that Beth bought last year (or maybe the year before already???) and we split up. It was a holiday pack with Valentines day, Halloween, Christmas, and then just some winter themed paper. I have used most of the Halloween stuff already and a bit of the Valentines Day but after I am done with all of the 2008 Christmas pages I don't think there will be much left :)
I just fell in the bathtub while opening the window above the bath and cracked the tub surround. That's just great. . . like we really need one more thing to do. After church tomorrow we are spending the afternoon/evening working on our rental property out in Pleasant Hope. It needs mucho work after our last tenants!
We found out this last week that the offer we put on a house back the end of July is now being considered!! It is a short sale and OMG they take forever. Our realtor told us that their realtor told her that we were the best offer they have had so far. Basically now our offer goes to negotiations with the lender and they have decide if they are willing to sell it for what we are offering or say no and wait for a better offer to come along and they have 2 weeks to decide. If it is yes then the wait was definitely worth it, and we will have 30 days to close. If it is no, we waited over 10 weeks for bad news. :( I will be so happy if it is yes. . .30 days will take us to within a month of Michael leaving so I will probably be unpacking and actually getting settled mostly on my own.
Well, I guess that's all for now. I need to go frost the cupcakes I made for tonight and I kind of want to start another scrapbook page.
Later, Lisa
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Here we go again. . .
I'm not happy that he is leaving but I am not really upset either. Its something that we knew would happen again and it is better that it happens now than say in another 18 months or something. I am happy that he is going to Kuwait this time and not back to Iraq or Afghanistan!
That's it for now. . . .I need to get back to work. Shhhh!!
Lisa H.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
six months lapse is over. . .

Friday, September 18, 2009
State parks are fun!
We were actually quite displeased with the campsites we had at Bennett Spring but what can you do. We were the first ones there and we started getting everything set up but it took quite awhile because we were trying to figure out which campsite (since we had to get 2) to congregate around and it was the one under my parents name. Therefore we had to wait until they got there because the park people wouldn't go ahead and give us both sites. It was dark on Friday night by the time we got everything up and everyone fed.
Saturday morning we ate breakfast and took off to Ha Ha Tonka where we had a picnic lunch and wanded around on the trails til we were all hot and sweaty. I think the kids all had fun, but by Saturday evening the lack of naps started to catch up to them. We did get to see a brave little raccoon that just came right up to our campsite while we were relaxing around the campfire. My dad finally chased him off after the kids that were up got to see him, but he was not to be discouraged and came back multiple times before we retired for the evening.
My parents tent and Michael and I's tent were both set up at the other campsite and we got awoken each night by the loud people in the tent next to us. I am assuming it was a group of college students and the first night was just loud with a whole bunch of cussing, the second night we got to listen to one guy puke and then dry heave while all the others fussed over him. One girl ended up calling some medical line and was relaying all these questions to the guy because she wanted to take him in to the ER but he refused. So we got the whole scoop on his medical history and current situation based on their conversation and turns out he was on some anti-depressant that you are not supposed to have alchohol with and he had enjoyed way too much Hot Damn. Some people are brilliant. . .luckily he finally caved about the ER so they all loaded up and took off. Ahh. . .peaceful sleep once again. . .at least until 3:30 am when they got home from the ER!
Sunday we got all 4 tents and everything else packed up and drove to a picnic area by the spring in Bennett Springs SP and then headed home. Overall it was a fun trip and I had fun hanging out with my family and the kiddos! They are all so much fun and seem to have an endless supply of energy.
So enough talking here are the pics. . . .all of which were taken at Ha Ha Tonka except for the first one.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Adventures on the lake.
This is Jake and Laura's dog, Bert. Isn't he a cutie? He was a sweetheart and made me want a dog. There was another dog there named Otis who was quite cute also. They were funny playing because they each wanted this duck that was actually Otis' toy, but as soon as one dropped it the other picked it up.

I loved their tube because it was so easy to stay in. You could actually enjoy a crazy ride without constantly getting thrown and having to climb back in. I just know when I was out tubing I had a fantastic time (even though I am suffering now). My biggest problem was actually that I was laughing so hard I was having a hard time breathing at times. . .which is not necessarily what you want when you are flying along the water, holding on for dear life, and trying not too get too much spray in your eyes. This picture below is of Jake and Darby out on the tube 1st.

Monday, September 7, 2009
So soon. . .
Saturday evening we went and hung out with our great friends in Pleasant Hope, Waylon, Jess, Mark, and Brandy. We even had a bonus. . .our friend from Columbia was down with her husband so we had a lot of fun. I love sitting around a bonfire!
Sunday we drove to the lake and stayed with some friends and their family, Jake and Laura. It was so much fun and I am so sore and so burnt! We took the surf bikes which I am terrible on. . .but everyone else got a kick out of them. We also took out their boat which was *wonderful*. I absolutely love being out on the water just cruising around in the boat or tubing which was a blast! Their families are great and hopefully we will be invited back a couple times next summer! We just got home a bit ago though and I am getting ready to crash. I do have pictures that I took. . .but that will have to wait til tomorrow!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wedding album

Monday, August 17, 2009
Bachelorette Party fun!

When everyone was all dolled up and ready we headed to Springfield Brewing Company for dinner and drinks. We were met there by three others, Jade, Tiffin, and Jennifer. Unfortunately, we didn't have a table reserved so it was going to be quite a wait. We ended up just sitting out front around some tables. It turned out to be really nice except for the wind. . .it was kind of annoying. I had a tiara on that said Bachelorette but I still got asked a couple times if it was my birthday. What can I say. . .people are brilliant. I got to open some gifts while sitting there waiting for our food and I got lots of funny little goodies. There was a couple sitting behind us in the restaurant that was watching us through the front glass and cracking up. They came and talked to us when they left and they were actually there celebrating their anniversary and said that my presents gave them quite a laugh!
After we ate and said our goodbyes to the three that were just going to dinner it was time for Ernie Biggs. I had actually been several years since I had been in the place and it was so, so, so much fun! We had lots of drinks and took lots of pictures. Beth bought me a couple shots that I had never had before but the only one I remember was a Bombpop and I think that is my new favorite shot. I loved it!! After a while I got called up onto the stage since I was a Bachelorette and I dragged Brandy up there with me to dance on the stage.