So I am finally posting about my bachelorette party which was loads of fun. . .but not too crazy! We started at the house where Beth was living at the time and she had the kitchen area all decorated with bachelorette party signs, penis balloons, candy, and cupcakes. And lots of yummy drinks. The cupcakes were quite funny and her and I had fun decorating them with bright colored frosting and little googly eyes! Beth and I were joined by Laura, Becky, and Lauren. Some of us started the party off early and had a couple drinks while waiting for Brandy and Jess to show up. We also took some pics while waiting.

Us four girls. We went to stand for a picture and didn't realize until afterward that we automatically stood in order of birth!

Lauren and I
When everyone was all dolled up and ready we headed to Springfield Brewing Company for dinner and drinks. We were met there by three others, Jade, Tiffin, and Jennifer. Unfortunately, we didn't have a table reserved so it was going to be quite a wait. We ended up just sitting out front around some tables. It turned out to be really nice except for the wind. . .it was kind of annoying. I had a tiara on that said Bachelorette but I still got asked a couple times if it was my birthday. What can I say. . .people are brilliant. I got to open some gifts while sitting there waiting for our food and I got lots of funny little goodies. There was a couple sitting behind us in the restaurant that was watching us through the front glass and cracking up. They came and talked to us when they left and they were actually there celebrating their anniversary and said that my presents gave them quite a laugh!
After we ate and said our goodbyes to the three that were just going to dinner it was time for Ernie Biggs. I had actually been several years since I had been in the place and it was so, so, so much fun! We had lots of drinks and took lots of pictures. Beth bought me a couple shots that I had never had before but the only one I remember was a Bombpop and I think that is my new favorite shot. I loved it!! After a while I got called up onto the stage since I was a Bachelorette and I dragged Brandy up there with me to dance on the stage.

Brandy and I dancing on the stage (this was so tame compared to some of the other stuff they were having the bachelorette's and birthday people do. . .but that was perfectly fine with me!!)

Beth and I after several drinks ( not sure why the face, but I thought it was funny)

Becky and Beth (Becky's not drunk, she just likes to close her eyes for pictures. This was taken 3 times before I got one without her eyes almost completely closed! Love ya Beck)

A better picture of Beth and I. My neck was hot from the beads and caution tape around it.

Jess and Brandy
I had a great time and I assume everyone else did as well. Can't beat singing out loud to live music with a drink in your hand! When we left we headed back to Beth's place and hung out there listening to music and doing a little dancing. After a while we all slowly started to crash.

Me at the end of the night on the deck at Beth's place. I honestly am not as drunk as I look. It's staged. . . .really!
It was so much fun I want to have another! Not really a bachelorette party. . .just a fun girls night!
So better late than never. . .right?! I plan on posting about our wonderful wedding tomorrow night. . .so wonderful. . .and so glad its over!!
That's it for now. I gotta hit the hay!