This was the first camping trip I had been on in several years and it was a lot of fun! My whole family went (except for Beth) and it was a fun, loud, crazy few days! Michael was there in the evenings but actually had to drive back to work on Saturday so he isn't in any of the pics. We stayed at Bennett Springs SP and drove up to Ha Ha Tonka SP ( aka Honka Tonka to my family) on Saturday to wander around on their trails. We would have preferred to just stay at Ha Ha Tonka, but alas it is only a day park. I rode down with Laura, Shawn and their 3 kids with the Expedition packed full of stuff.
We were actually quite displeased with the campsites we had at Bennett Spring but what can you do. We were the first ones there and we started getting everything set up but it took quite awhile because we were trying to figure out which campsite (since we had to get 2) to congregate around and it was the one under my parents name. Therefore we had to wait until they got there because the park people wouldn't go ahead and give us both sites. It was dark on Friday night by the time we got everything up and everyone fed.
Saturday morning we ate breakfast and took off to Ha Ha Tonka where we had a picnic lunch and wanded around on the trails til we were all hot and sweaty. I think the kids all had fun, but by Saturday evening the lack of naps started to catch up to them. We did get to see a brave little raccoon that just came right up to our campsite while we were relaxing around the campfire. My dad finally chased him off after the kids that were up got to see him, but he was not to be discouraged and came back multiple times before we retired for the evening.
My parents tent and Michael and I's tent were both set up at the other campsite and we got awoken each night by the loud people in the tent next to us. I am assuming it was a group of college students and the first night was just loud with a whole bunch of cussing, the second night we got to listen to one guy puke and then dry heave while all the others fussed over him. One girl ended up calling some medical line and was relaying all these questions to the guy because she wanted to take him in to the ER but he refused. So we got the whole scoop on his medical history and current situation based on their conversation and turns out he was on some anti-depressant that you are not supposed to have alchohol with and he had enjoyed way too much Hot Damn. Some people are brilliant. . .luckily he finally caved about the ER so they all loaded up and took off. Ahh. . .peaceful sleep once again. . .at least until 3:30 am when they got home from the ER!
Sunday we got all 4 tents and everything else packed up and drove to a picnic area by the spring in Bennett Springs SP and then headed home. Overall it was a fun trip and I had fun hanging out with my family and the kiddos! They are all so much fun and seem to have an endless supply of energy.
So enough talking here are the pics. . . .all of which were taken at Ha Ha Tonka except for the first one.

the back of Laura and Shawn's Expedition. . .he is a packing genius

our caravan of vehicles stopped at the visitor's center. Hmmm. . .its a good thing I didn't drive. . .my Chevy equinox would have thrown off the whole Ford thing that's going on here. My parents Focus, Bellue's Edge, and Cook's Expedition. That's actually kinda funny.

Trey, Taylor, Shane, and Cole at the start of the trail that leads to the old water tower. We are along the ridge and it dropped off pretty steep

Me on the trail that leads to the water tower showing off all the trees behind me. . .I think I might have to come back to this park when all the leaves change. I imagine it will be quite beautiful.

Picture I took from the water tower trail looking back the other direction. Isn't it pretty?

The brother-in-laws and their boys. . . Shawn, Hugh, Cole, Shane, and Trey. . .standing on a little rock outcropping that you could see a glimpse of the castle up on the ridge.

then a view of the castle from that same little rock ledge. If you are not familiar with the ruins at Ha Ha Tonka, there is an old castle that some wealthy businessman started building in 1905 after he purchased 5000 acres and envisioned a private retreat with a European-style castle. He is quoted as saying "Here I will spend my leisure, secure from the worries of business and the excitement of city life. I will fish and loaf and explore the caves of these hills, with no fear of intrusion".
He actually died in 1906 in one of the state's 1st automobile accidents and his sons finished building the castle for him many years later. It was actually used as a hotel until 1942 when the entire interior was gutted by fire. It is massive and I would love to have seen it in all its glory.

Picture of the castle ruins. You can't actually go in the ruins, just wander around the perimeter but you can still get a feel for how grand it was.

Another shot of the ruins

This is a view of the water tower that was built for the castle. They stand at opposite ends of the same curved rigde and it the middle are the ruins of the huge carriage house that was built for the castle. It burned at the same time as the castle when the wind carried the fire down the ridge from the castle. It was built to house 100 horses, 30 cars, and the caretakers family.

Cole, Trey, and Shane playing in the remains of what I am sure was a very impressive fountain on the front side of the castle that overlooks the bluff.

My sisters and I (you should have come Beth) with Cole, Taylor, and Shane underfoot standing in front of the castle ruins

The back side of the castle and under the arches are the stairs that you would have climbed after being dropped off in a carriage/car. There is also a carriage step? (I can't remember what Laura called it) for the higher carriages so the ladies could have stepped right out onto the landing without stepping down onto the ground first. It's kinda cool envisioning what it must have looked like back then.

I absolutely love, love, love this picture with the pretty sky in the backround and just the silhouette of the castle ruins.

Sasha got the easy hike. . .just relaxing on Laura's back. . . but I bet she got crazy hot strapped up in that thing

shot from the base of the water tower. the water tower was actually intact until 1976 when it was burned by vandals. It's too bad some people have no respect.

Our picnic lunch at the park. . .I think we were all starving

Taylor apparently loves the swings

the last trail we went on took us under this natural bridge which is one of the many remarkable geological features in Ha Ha Tonka.

Natural bridge from the other side
Well that's all. . .but thats definitely enough. I need to get back to battling my monsters. . .the laundry monster and the dish monster! Michael says they are attacking along both fronts so I guess I better go battle them back down some more. That's one of the bad things about the 4 10hour shifts I work. I don't feel like doing anything after work so I spend most of Friday cleaning and getting laundry done.
We are going to look at a few houses this evening. We actually put an offer on one about 50 days ago but it is a short sale. . .and those are never short! We are still waiting to hear something back on that but decided to check out some other options in the meantime. Then tomorrow, he has drill and I work in the morning but in the evening we are heading out the Bellue's for Taylor's 2nd bday party.
I gotta get going. . . .later