After bowling yesterday and sledding today I am so sore!! I haven't done either one of these activities in a couple years and I guess I used some muscles that didn't like to be reminded that they existed. ;)
Starting out yesterday I thought we were going to have to cancel the days plans due to snow, but once the plows got the roads cleared and the sun started shining the road cleared fairly quickly. I spent some of the day cleaning around the house and preparing food before we headed into town to go bowling. This is just a pic of Michael and I on our way into town to go bowling. 

Ohh....gotta love the shoes...they are just so incredibly stylish and just think about how many people have had their feet in there before you. Ha Ha...that comment was for Beth who apparently doesn't bowl because she can't get past the grossness of other people's feet. I mean I know they spray the shoes with antibacterial stuff or something when you turn them back in. . .but it is still quite gross!
We bowled two games and oh my gosh I did so, so, so, so BAD!! I knew I was not a good bowler (I'm not even a good Wii bowler) but I don't think I have ever done quite that bad. I think I got 58 on one game and 74 on the other...I told you it was bad. Anyway, onto more bowling pictures...Becky also took some pictures and she said she had a cute one of Michael and I but I haven't gotten her pictures yet. And what's bowling without a little spot of tea! Taylor had her cute little tea pitcher with her that she made tea for everybody in. ( I love that little pitcher and cup set. Michael and I bought her that for her birthday. I so wish I could find a real one that looked like that...I would adore it!!)
Trey did not bowl either but he had fun playing with the monster trucks that he brought and running around.

Grandma and Grandpa each bowled one game but sat out and watched while the rest of us bowled the other. I went to go take their picture and grandpa was being silly and made this crazy face. I had to take a couple more before I got one a smiling one.
Uncle Paul and Olivia also came and bowled with us. Olivia had a lane all to herself because she had bumpers up. I so wish I could have bowled on the lane with her. I would have done so much it stands I am pretty sure she beat me!
I love all the different colors of bowling balls. They look like pretty easter eggs sitting there.
I think Becky's wrist was bugging her so she decided to try a granny ball shot. . .I think it headed to the gutter fairly quickly though...oh, so sad.

After eating we lit candles in the outline of a five and a two ( which was very hard to distinguish what the numbers actually were), sang happy birthday, and had cake and ice cream. It was all very delicious and I for one ate way too much!
And then today. . .sledding was lots of fun and very exhausting! We got back to the house and I was sleepy, hungry, and my butt was ice cold. After I stripped all my layers off I felt like I could actually walk like a normal person. I don't actually have a snow suit or anything like that, so this is what I had on.
long sleeve Tshirt
short sleeve Tshirt
Michael's old army gortex coat
comfy yoga pants
Michael's old army gortex trousers
2 pairs of socks
rubber boots
2 sets of gloves
scarf, and
one stocking cap with ear flaps and a yarn ball on top.
I can honestly say that is the most camo I have ever worn in my life! Anyway, enough's the pics!
Brandy and I

Well, that's all I have for now. I am going to go eat some leftover spaghetti now and then some ice cream sounds good! I can't remember if this shows the time posted or the time the blog was started. I have actually been working on this off and on for a couple hours. It is almost 7pm now and I think after dinner some Mario Brothers on the Wii sounds like fun!!