To my wonderful husband...I love you and I miss you tons. I am so glad you have internet now so we can actually talk again on Skype. I wish I had the word miss so I could say that I missed your kisses, but I am sure you know that.
Last night Becky and my mom came over and we had a girls night. It was a lot of fun and we stayed up too late playing Phase 10 and Mexican train. We had fajitas for dinner and then angel food cake and fruit for was all delicious. Or it would have been anyway if I could taste it...darn cold! After dinner we did some Zumba and then started playing the games and I tell you...the later it gets, the funnier everything is. At one point I was almost crying from laughing so hard over something my mom said about an M&M she was eating. If I told you what it was you would think we were incredibly foolish...but it was funny!
It's too bad Laura and Beth were not able to make it, but we decided that we are going to try to do this at least every other month for awhile so hopefully they will be able to make it to the next one. Next time maybe involve some crafting too!
Last night turned out to be the second night in a row that I got nowhere near enough sleep. I finally caved to the Twilight obsession and Friday night I bought the second book (New Moon)...and then proceeded to stay up until 5am reading the darn thing!! It was very good much better than the book I was trying to read before that. I had been working on Sense and Sensibility for about a week and I just could not get into it. I had such a hard time following the language and phrases that they use. I just don't think I could ever be a Jane Austen fan.
Last week I bought a coffee table, a sofa table, 3 lamps, and some candelholders from one of Theresa's neighbors and I love the way it all looks. My living room is starting to look complete...well, aside from window coverings and stuf on the walls :) These are just some pics that I took this morning of my living room.
I love the tables and before I bought them I thought they would go okay with the colors in my living room. I got them home and the tile colors in the table go *great* with my rug so I was (and still am) quite happy! The best part is I got the tables, the lamps, the candle holders, a desk chair,and a couple other small things fo only about $105! Sure as hell can't beat that price!!
I still need to cover my pink chairs with something else so it looks like they actually belong in that room, but that's a project for another day.
My project for today is to organize one of our unused bedroom because it is full of Michael's army totes and the mess he left while packing for Kuwait. After I straighten up in there I am going to make it a mess again because I am going to start going through my boxes for a garage sale and organize it in there for now. I have been putting stuff in boxes for a garage sale for abt 5 years and I have absolutely no idea what is in most of the boxes anymore!
I should get off of here now, grab some lunch, and start working so that's all for now.