I know she likes buttons and then I found this nifty container on sale at Jo-Ann the day after Thanksgiving. Plus. . .she is very much a ROYGBV organizer, so of course I had to organize the buttons by that for her. After I gave it to her, she seemed very excited to go and organize the rest of her buttons into the container. You may think that sounds crazy, but not me. I had a lot of fun just buying and sorting the buttons into the container for her. And. . .to make it even better. . .I bought myself one also!! I hadn't let her see mine though until tonight after I gave hers to her. I didn't want her to think it was a good idea and go start her own. . .that would have ruined it all.
In other news, Michael and I just finished watching the newest Indiana Jones movie really large against our bedroom wall. He bought a projecter today. . . watching our normal size TV in the bedroom will never be sufficient again. Sigh. . .
I should go to bed now though. I only have to work a few hours tomorrow, but I still have to be functional for those few hours. Seeing as how it is after midnight. . .it is now Christmas Eve!! So Happy Christmas Eve everyone!!
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