Saturday I slept in some and then I took down all of my Christmas decorations and packed them up and out to the car for storage, and then I rearranged and dusted the living room, and vacummed all the floors. That all took quite a bit of time because by the time I was done, Michael was already on his way home from work. Saturday evening we went out to dinner with Waylon and Jessica and then came back to our house and watched a couple movies. . . well, to put it more accurately, Jess and I watched movies while Michael and Waylon shoot at each other in a computer game. Here is a shot of both couples from while we were waiting to be seated at Cheddars. I love that restaurant, but it is always so packed!

Well. . . on Friday I stated that I had more to say which was really just telling you about my 2009 Resolutions. The following are my resolutions for my health, wealth, and life.

Well. . . on Friday I stated that I had more to say which was really just telling you about my 2009 Resolutions. The following are my resolutions for my health, wealth, and life.
1. Quit using the snooze button on my alarm clock - I can remember when I was younger and I had my first alarm clock; I never used the snooze button because when my alarm went off I actually got up. Then, one day I started using it and it has been downhill ever since. I set my alarm much earlier than it needs to be knowing that I am going to hit snooze repeatedly. I know Michael will be happy if I succeed at this one because he gets frustrated when my alarm goes off before his just so I can hit snooze. Oops!
2. Clean out our storage unit and have a garage sale - You might think this is odd that I have this listed under Health, but anytime I think about our mess of a storage unit and the thought that I have no idea what all is even in there anymore really stresses me out. Having this done will just be one less thing for me to unnecessarily stress over.
3. Be more active - I am not going to say that I am going to do so many situps a day, or walk so often. I am just going to say that I need to be more active in everything that I do; park further away from the building and walk, always take the stairs, and just make more of an effort to do outdoor activities with Michael.
4. Get my student loan debt under $$$$ - I actually have not completely set this resolution yet. I cannot decide how much I want to commit to every month in order to meet a goal. I am so ready to have my student loans paid off. In 2008, my goal was to get them under $8800, which I did succeed at. . .but just barely.
5. Pay off my Equinox - I bought my car in February of 2007 and I am even more ready to have this thing paid off. Luckily, I think I should be able to accomplish that this year. yeah!
6. Buy a house - Michael and I have been looking at houses off and on for over 2 years. I am so ready to move into something with more space, more storage options, and a garage. The house we have been living in since 2005 is so small and the only closets are the small ones in each of the two bedrooms. It stinks! I am so ready to have more space. We are definitely planning on acting on it this year which makes me really, really happy!
7. Get married - I don't know if this is really considered to be a resolution, but oh well. . . as least by the end of the year its one that I know I will complete :)
8. Enjoy our time with each other - Knowing that it is very likely Michael will be redeployed around January 2010, makes me feel like we need to do so much this year to make up for the year after that when he will be gone
9. Travel - I don't really care where. I just love to go places. . by plane or on a roadtrip
Thats all for now. Be back soon!
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