While at the mall today with Lauren, we found red shoes for me to wear for my wedding! I am so lucky they had some that would fit me because they only had two sizes left. Aren't they fun? I never even considered just wearing white shoes. . . from day one I have wanted to wear fun red shoes with my white wedding dress! Best thing is they have enough of a heel that I won't have to get the hem on my dress altered, but not so much that I feel like I am going to break my neck. Yeah! for no neck breaking. ;)
After we found the shoes and left the mall, we wandered over to JCPenney home store so I could possibly add some things to my registry in store that they did not have online. Well, that turned out to be very frustrating because most of the stuff in-store that wasn't online I could not add to the registry. When I scanned it, the scanner said that it was a discontinued item so I could not add it. Oh well. . .guess I'll have to find those things at one of the other places I registered. After the disappointing experience at JCPenney, we went and had a delicious lunch at Chili's. Gotta love their Chicken Club Tacos and Strawberry Lemondade. . . very, very yummy!
The rest of the day passed in a blur of house cleaning and playing online. It is just ridiculous how time flies when you are online and suddenly it is 2 hours later! I also ran to Walmart tonight with Beth to grab a few things, such as Dance, Dance Revolution for the Wii. I have not opened it yet. . . Michael was already in bed when we got home because he has to get up early tomorrow for drill. I did not want to be stomping around and disturb his beauty sleep. Tomorrow I will have my first attempt at it. . . probably good to do it when no one is here to laugh at me, except myself!
I think it's about time to call it a night. Tomorrow I am going to play on the Wii, do a few more loads of laundry, and hopefully scrapbook some. We'll see how that goes. . . .
and once again,
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