Title sounds like it should be about some big theatre production. . . but no. . .just the big production called our wedding. I went and had my makeup runthrough today so of course I had to snap some pics of the finished product. . .a prettier me! I just need to learn how to do my makeup better so it looks like this everyday!

I absolutely cannot believe that there is only 22 days left until the wedding!! The last couple months have just flown by. There are lots of little things that still need to be done and a couple larger items, but for the most part we are all ready. Also working on getting ready for the honeymoon. . . be booked the rental car and a couple hotel nights the other day. I am so ready to escape to CA for a couple weeks. We do still have lots to do before that though also. . . order some tix for a few specific things we want to do while there, buy luggage, and I need to buy some more summer clothes.
This is the sample of our lighting that I rigged up in the basement just to see what it was going to look like. I really like the way it looks and I cannot wait to see the Firehouse all decorated. . .of course doing the decorating might not be so fun. I need to run over there sometime soon and get a better visual idea of how we are stringing the lights up.

We found out the other day that our church is doing a wedding shower for us. . .so that was unexpected but will be really nice. We are going to West Plains next weekend for Shawn and Karlee's wedding but have to come back on Sunday because that is when they are throwing the shower at church.
Beth and Lauren are getting the plans all underway for my bachelorette party and I am excited for that! I am sure I will get embarrassed some, but what other time in my life will I be able to wear a veil or tiara with inappropriate stuff on it. I can't wait. . .it will be so funny! Michael did not want any pictures taken at his bachelor party, but I kind of want some pictures of my bachelorette party.
Well. . . I guess that's all for now. I need to go think about some more wedding stuff. More specifically, try to figure out when I am going to fit in everything that still needs done. Hmmmm...
tomorrow is my last friday for 2 months. . . yeah! I am so happy to have Fridays off again, but that means back to 10 hour days which is not so wonderful.
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