Ya, I know this post is late, but oh well. The Saturday before Easter I went over to Laura's and helped her and the kiddos dye Easter eggs. It was fun, but I think I had more fun just playing with the kids that the actual Easter egg part. They kind of get the hang of it, but don't really understand the need to be gentle. We had some eggs that had quite a bit of color underneath once they were peeled because the boys would just chuck the egg into the cup and it would crack.
This first picture here I took while on the backroads out to Laura and Shawn's house. I came across this huge pretty green field that was just screaming "Spring is here!" at me, so what could I do but take a picture!
When I first got to Laura's and she was working on getting things set up to dye eggs I decided to try and take some pics of the kids and OMG they cooperated! They even posed for me! Maybe the trick is to make them do crazy stuff like lay in a row on the floor and look up at me...who knows...but they actually seemed to be having fun with it too! Although, I am not sure what happened to Shane's smile about halfway through...it kindof turned into a snarl or something. :)
After some picture posing Laura was ready for us to dye eggs so we all dropped the tablets in the cups and watched the colors start spreading around. I gave one to Sasha to put in a cup and she did, then I gave her another tablet to drop in a cup and before I could get a word out she chucked it into the same cup! Laura fished it out but it was it there long enough that we had some eggs that were kindof pink and orange. They were actually kind of pretty!

After we had the eggs going in the cups the kids got kindof antsy just sitting there watching the cup...and I completely understand...that part is always quite boring. Anyway, I decided to draw them back into the living room and let them use my camera. Shane took this picture of Sasha, Cole, and I and it is really not bad at all. Cole's picture was okay, but he chopped off part of us. Sasha's picture had my arm in and that's about it. She was just fascinated by the red eye light and kept pushing the button and flipping the camera over to look at it. I was kindof afraid she was going to push too hard and make the flash go off right in her eyes, but she didn't.
You gotta love this big cheesy grin of Sasha's. She looked so cute that day in her pigtails!
I drug the kids outside at one point while we were waiting on eggs to try and distract them from the fact that Laura and I would not let them stir the cups while the eggs were in them. Cole was now obsessed with my camera and I helped him take a picture of the dog, the tree, and me.
Here is some of our finished product. Beautiful, colorful Easter eggs...of which most got turned into Deviled Eggs the next day for out Sunday meal!
Overall it was a nice day and it was beautiful outside. I left their house in the afternoon, and went to Beth's apartment. We went to the mall for a while, Walmart, and then just hung out at her place for the rest of the night gabbing and watching Tv. She also made us a yummy basil pesto pasta dish for dinner. I stayed way too late considering everything I needed to get done the next morning before heading out to Fordland for Easter dinner and an Easter egg hunt...which I will post pics of tomorrow.
Last weekend was also quite busy but fun. I don't actually have any pics from last weekend until I get some from Beth. Friday afterwork I came home and laid on a chair on the deck for about an hour enjoying the feel of the sun on my skin and then Jess came with baby Aubrey and we hung out for the rest of the night...mostly just blabbing. Saturday I worked in the am but then Beth came over and we started working on getting my ready for a garage sale...we found lots of interesting stuff. When Michael and I moved in together about 4.5 years ago we threw a whole bunch of stuff in storage and pulling it out now to go through it is quite interesting...especially Michael's stuff! :) Sunday my parents took Beth and I to Silver Dollar City with them and Beth took all the pics that day too. I am assuming she will probably be blogging them sometime soon if you want to see. I will get them from her this weekend but I don't know if I will share them myself of not.
That's about all for now. One thing I do want to say I have been enjoying lately is driving home from work in the evenings with the windows all down, the wind whipping through my hair, and the radio blasting. Very uplifting! And the last two days I have actually went and walked/jogged in the evenings...yea...GO ME!!
Now... I need to be heading to bed since it is 11pm. I have worked 10:30-8pm so far this week and tomorrow I work 8:30am to 12:30pm so I should prob get my butt in bed since I have to get up earlier. I plan to be back tomorrow...but if you read my blog then you know you can't hold me to that...but I'll try.