I now have 5 pages done for our wedding guest book! Each page is 12x12 and people will just sign in the white boxes, then afterwards I can just slip the already completed pages into our wedding album. You don't have to say it. . . I know I am a genius :) I worked on it some last night and then some more tonight. I think that is a good chunk for one weekend.

Makes me want to work on some scrapbook pages that are something other than red, black, and white. Michael is going to be gone on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights this week so I think I am actually going to try to get some done on my scrapbook. I talked to Madeline and Audrey last weekend (my future nieces) and they want to see my scrapbook at Christmas because they are bringing theirs to show me. (I bought them 8x8 scrapbooks and some supplies last year for Christmas). I think I have only completed 3 layouts since Michael came home in June, so I have quite a bit that I want to get caught up on prior to Christmas.
In other news, Michael and I drove around and looked at houses for a couple hours after church today. We found a couple that me might try to go look at by this weekend at the latest.
Also, I am suddenly starting to kind of panic about wedding planning. I have a little less than 7 months, which is still a while but with the holidays it will be Jan 13th before you know it and I will be down to 5 months!! I am excited, but there is still so much to figure out and plan. I am thinking about sitting down and compiling the timelines I have pulled out of random wedding magazines into one that will actually work for me.
Michael finally asked Pastor Jim at the church where we are having the ceremony to verify it was fine to bring in our own pastor. We figured it was but Michael verified and then talked to Ed today about it. . . so we now have an officiant set for sure. Yeah! Michael and I talked about it some over dinner tonight and decided for sure on his best man and talked about some other details. I am ready to get some more planning done and out of the way.
Well, I should really head to bed considering the time and the fact that I have to be at work in 9 hours. In closing, here are a few pics of the mess I made working on the guest book pages. . . but I did clean it all up already!
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