Hope everyone had a great Halloween! We just got home from a Halloween party that we went to out in Pleasant Hope. Before we went, Beth and I had fun playing around with our cameras. I think this is my *favorite picture* of the ones that we took.
Beth was an Indian.

I was a 1920's flapper.

And Michael was a Mexican, complete with a sombrero, a poncho, and chaps. And lets just say that he was feeling a little breezy with the chaps on. :) Ole!
And here it looks like the cop (Andy) has caught himself a prostitute (Waylon), a convict (Tiffany), and a Mexican (Michael). Put your hands against the wall and spread em. 
It was fun to get all dressed up again, especially with Michael and Beth also involved this time. I think next year though I want to have my own Halloween party. Hopefully, we will be in a house where that is a feasible option. Michael had drill again this weekend, so we didn't stay at the party very long (and we got out there late because of his drill), but I was already ready to go. Nothing against the people who hosted, but I was never much fond of parties with drinking games and really loud heavy music.

It was fun to get all dressed up again, especially with Michael and Beth also involved this time. I think next year though I want to have my own Halloween party. Hopefully, we will be in a house where that is a feasible option. Michael had drill again this weekend, so we didn't stay at the party very long (and we got out there late because of his drill), but I was already ready to go. Nothing against the people who hosted, but I was never much fond of parties with drinking games and really loud heavy music.
On the way home from the party Michael, Beth, and I were discussing next Halloween. They both already have an idea of what they might want to do, but I have no clue yet. Plenty of time to think about it luckily!
I am sitting here right now drinking some yummy hot chocolate and thinking I should really head to bed. I need to get up in the morning and get some things done tomorrow (such as laundry and dishes, bleh!).
Well, be back soon.
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