Well. . . I guess you could call this my catch up blog seeing as how it has been almost 3 weeks since I was on here. Not tons going on since I was on here last. . . pretty much just more of the same thing. I have still been working 4 10 hr days. I am actually home sick today. I hate being sick, but I figured it would be a good time to jump on here and post while I am waiting for the Nyquil I took to kick in. . . then I am going to go take a long nap!
On Friday 3/20/09 Michael and I went to the Circus with Jason, Paul, and Olivia. It was pretty good. It had been years since I had been the the circus.

We should have gotten in line much sooner than we did because by the time we got in we could not find 5 seats together. We did find a grouping of 3 and 2 kind of close so we took those. Some of the acts were just really stupid, but my favorite parts were the animals: the tigers, the sheepdogs, and the little dog in the stuffed elephant costume.
It was funny though because when the tiger guy came out, Paul made a comment about how he looked like an 80's wrestler, which was very true! Some of the tigers were roaring and 2 of them kind of got into it at one point, I just wish I would have been close enough to get better pictures and hear their roar!

I think that my least favorite part was actually the ring master. She was really annoying and I thought that the way she enunciated everything made it much harder to understand what she was saying.

On Saturday 3/21/09, I went to Trey's birthday party out at Becky and Hugh's new house. Her kitchen makes me want a new kitchen. . . . which I will get eventually. Trey got new toys most of which were outdoor toys. Unfortunately, it was yucky and muddy out so they just played ball a little out on their front porch. Becky, Beth, and I mainly just stood there and talked (and froze) while they were playing.

These are the two baskets I got done sometime within the last few weeks. The first one is going to be set up at the wedding on the gift table for cards.

This one is the basket for one of my flower girls. I didn't get the other one finished but once it is finished I will post a pic of it.

I got the gifts that I ordered for my two flowergirls in the mail yesterday and they are so cute! I am kindof thinking about posting a pic on here because I am pretty sure that they don't look on this site. Hmmm. . . I'll have to think about that.
Well, it is time for me to go nap and hopefully when I get up my cold will be gone. Lets see where wishful thinking gets me.
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