Then a few days after dyeing Easter eggs with the boys came Easter Sunday. Michael and I went to church that morning where he sang the solo part of one of the songs we (the choir) sang for the service. He did very well despite his allergies acting up. After church we headed out to Fordland for an Easter dinner with my family. Michael and I were the first ones there so we had my mom snap a few pictures real quick. I swear. . .I hope our wedding pictures are good because it doesn't seem like we can hardly get a picture of the two of us where we both look good. The two following pictures are both ok, but in one I am making a face like 'take the picture already' and the other one was after a few shots and Michael was tired of trying to get a good picture.
Becky and Hugh were not there with their rugrats, so I just took some more pics of Laura's kids. Obviously they are not looking at me in the following picture because Mama/Grandma was standing off to the side trying to make them smile, which they did, just at her. I love Sasha's open mouth in this picture because it just reminds me that she was squealing and giggling! They are all wearing their Easter color tops that their grandma made for them.
Michael likes to make funny faces in pictures and he likes to encourage kids to do so too. As you can see, Shane was happy to oblige. All the little nephews love their soon to be 'uncle' Michael.
Well. . . that is really all for now. I am exhausted and I need to go to bed. Michael is out of town tonight for a 5K that he is doing tomorrow morning with a friend. Which means I have the bed all to myself, yeah! I spent all of today with Laura and her kids again, first shopping and then helping her get food ready for Sasha's birthday party tomorrow because she just turned one! So that is where I will be tomorrow afternoon evening, and while there hopefully I can con some people into helping me stuff enclosures into wedding invites and sealing them, or helping me make up favor bags. Hopefully I won't have to con anyone and they will help willingly.

Also big news possibly coming up because there is a chance Michael and I are buying a house! We put an offer on one the other day and are just waiting to hear a response. The waiting is torture! I am trying not to think about it. . . Michael kind of made me put the brakes on when I started asking about paint colors!
Ok so that really is all for now. We'll see if I can get any good pics tomorrow at the birthday party. I need to get up in the morning and clean my house. Yuck.
Be back soon,
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