So I was misinformed and the play we saw this weekend with his parents "The Music Man" was not at the Gillioz, it was at the Landers. I was excited to go in the Gillioz, but that's okay because the play was **INCREDIBLE**. I thought it was excellent and four of the guys that Michael sings barbershop with acted as the barbershop quartet and they also were excellent! Michael said he is going to send out an email to the barbershop group about how great they were. The Show-Me Statesmen normally do an annual show sometime in May, so that would be great if they gathered some more interest.
I actually kind of wish I had thought about going to see a play in December because I would have loved to see Narnia. I guess that's okay though. . . we spent enough on tickets for Casting Crowns and Jim Brickman in December.
I think I do want to see one of the upcoming plays from the Springfield Little Theatre. . .they are performing "Mulan" April 2-12, 2009. That is one of my favorite Disney cartoon movies! Judge me all you want, I don't care. I wonder what their 2009-10 season will consist of and how much their season tickets are. . . I might have to check into that.
Lets see. . . what else happened. . . Saturday I went and hung out at my parents. I did get my invitations ordered so yeah for me!! There is so much I still need to do but I think my brain is taking a break from wedding stuff for the night. I don't want to think about it right now. I also don't want to think about cleaning my house which I really, really need to do. But as Scarlett says in "Gone With the Wind", I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow.
Beth wants me to go walk with her tonight, but I think I am going to pass. After work today I went and got groceries and ran to Hobby Lobby. Now I feel extremely exhausted and I just want to lay down. Actually, I think I am going to go lay down. The house. . . wedding stuff. . .that can all wait until tomorrow. After all. . . tomorrow is another day.
(I really want to watch Gone With the Wind now. ;)
Later gator,
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