So I am a few days late getting some of these pictures posted, but Saturday did turn out to be a good day. I got some scrapbooking done, Michael and I went to eat at Bob Evans for dinner which turned out to really hit the spot. It was delicious!
After that we headed out to Pleasant Hope and hung out with some friends. Michael and I aren't really NASCAR fans, but we had two TV's on out there . . . one on the race and one that we were playing on. We played Guitar Hero with the whole band, drums, guitar, bass, and singer. I kind of wish we had that version rather than the one we do have because I knew more of the songs on it. We also played around some with American Idol karaoke. After playing out there Michael wants the drum set and I want the microphone . . . even though I can't really sing. It was a lot of fun!

So this scrapbook layout is from the Fourth of July, when I had too much sun, their was too much noise, and too much food . . . hence the title. I really am not liking this page too much though. I think it's because the top is too blank so I think I am going to run some ribbon along the top.

And this layout made we think about the day we got engaged. It makes me smile still to think about. I didn't want the layout to be too girly, I think it turned out really well with the brown and blue. I had a hard time getting a very clear picture of this layout but this was the best one.

This layout from our "Halloween in the Halls" at school I actually just finished up tonight. I was tired of having it laying on my desk halfway complete. I loved our decorations for our jazz club and I am still happy that it came out as I had envisioned it.
Well, on Sunday Beth and I watched 'A Night at the Museum' while we counted and rolled all of the change that Michael and I have been saving up for a while to go towards the wedding. That movie is so funny and I think it is my favorite Ben Stiller movie. Beth was quoting the stone guy for a little while afterwards, "Did my dum-dum bring me gum-gum?" and "It's Atilla the Hun-Hun, you better run-run". It was quite funny.

So this was all of the change that we rolled up. We actually ran out of quarter rolls so I need to go get some more of them, but our grand total was. . . .

$459.50. That is a lot of freaking change! My fingers were so dirty afterwards and smelled like metal I was definitely ready to wash them. Money is really so gross! Some of you may think Beth was crazy to help me count all of that, but what you may not know is that Beth loves to count stuff, so you see I was actually doing her a favor by letting her help me. Isn't that right Beth? ;)
Today after work Beth and I met up at Hobby Lobby. They had a whole bunch of their scrapbooking stuff on sale like albums, adhesives, paper, stickers, and some embellishments. I love their sales! I think there was maybe one thing I bought today that was not on sale. Even better is that I still had gift cards from Christmas. I think this was my third trip to Hobby Lobby since then that I have just been able to use a gift card. It was grand! Although, I am now on my last card and I think it only has $10-$15 left on it and that could go really fast. This is the new album I purchased to start for 2009. Isn't it pretty?

Well I guess that is all for now. I need to hit the shower and then hit the hay. I think tomorrow after work I am going to work on a little wedding planning/organizing. I swear there are just way too many details!
Once again,
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