Starting today I have Fridays off again. . .yeah!! I have this schedule now for 2 months so three day weekends for 2 months sounds pretty freakin good. This morning I met up with Laura and we did a bit of running around. It was mostly in and out of a few different stores looking for shoes for the wedding. . . which unfortunately I did not find. I know its only 3:00 pm, but I was tired of looking. We also ran over to a rental place so I could set some rental items up for the wedding and over to Party City so I could price some things for the wedding. Somewhere in the middle of all that we met up with Beth and my mom for lunch at Fazolis. Hanging around with Laura and the kiddos was fun. . . but exhausting. I underestimated how much longer it would take with getting the kids in/out of the car, their seats, their coats. It probably was too much to be lugging them in and out of some many places just to look at shoes, but I am glad she went with me. This is just a picture I snapped of the boys after loading them back into the car one of the times.

Well, I don't really have any other news. I think I stayed up too late last night because I am exhausted. I am seriously considering a nap, which I hardly ever do in the middle of the day. I do have some other stuff I could work on. . . like scrapbooking and wedding stuff. . . there's always that to work on. . .or cleaning the house. Hmmmm. . .
Well, I think I am going to get off of here for now and see if I can't find something I feel like doing other than napping. I keep accidentally thinking it is Saturday. . .so that's always nice when I remember that it is only Friday. Love the three day weekends!
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