And then I did this one tonight after doing a little cleaning and making dinner. I am not sure if I really like this one, but it will do.
I think I am going to do some actual scrapbooking tomorrow afternoon. It has been awhile and I am really tired of just working with black, white, and red again. I think I am only going to do about 3 more pages for the guest book, but they can wait a little bit longer.

I am really excited about tomorrow because I am meeting up with my friend Lauren for breakfast. It has been way, way, way too long since I have seen her! I don't really know yet where we are going so I guess we will figure that out in the morning. I think I am going to try to remember to take my camera also because I could not even tell you the last picture that I have of us together.
Anyway, so I am really hoping that between meeting up with her, getting some scrapbooking done, and hanging out with Michael tomorrow night it will be a wonderful day!
It is after midnight so I should really get off of here and head to bed. Maybe tomorrow I'll have some pics again of something other than wedding projects! :)
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