Friday, May 22, 2009

Shop til ya drop. . .

Today after work I met up with my mom and sister, Becky, to go shopping. We were looking for dresses for the two of them to wear to my wedding and a dress for me to wear to Shawn and Karlee's wedding next Saturday. It was an exhausting trip! We also had Trey and Taylor with us so by the end of the night they were ready to hit the hay!

We went to Kohls first because I wanted to buy luggage. Michael and I did not have any so with some money that we received at the bridal shower I went and bought luggage for us. Isn't it pretty! The set was normally $229 but I got it on sale for $89! Some of you are probably thinking Michael is not going to be too happy with me when he sees that purple luggage. . .but don't worry because I am not that crazy. I got a set for each of us and I think Michael will be perfectly content with the nice gray color I bought for him.

Everyone bought something at Kohls, but no one got a dress there. We grabbed some dinner real quick and then headed to the mall. Becky found a pretty dress at JCPenney's, and us other two found dresses at Dillards. Mine is brown with blue swirls all over it. . .it is really pretty and actually fairly comfortable, which I was not expecting. Bonus! Now I just need to get shoes and any accessories I might want. *smile* We did go into RackRoom shoes, where I did not purchase any shoes. . . but bought this cute purse instead. I absolutely love, love, love it. I have been thinking that I wanted to get a white purse and this was the first place I looked all day with one I liked!
After the mall we ran to Marshalls and TJMaxx where my mom found a different dress that I think she likes more, so she might be returning the one to Dillards. We were all ready to call it a night by then and Trey said he wanted to go home so we called it quits.
Michael is out with his friend Quay and who knows when those two will call it a night. I think its just about time for me to though. I am so happy it is Memorial Day weekend and I don't have to work on Monday. Today was already a good, productive day and there are still 3 more full days left. That makes me HAPPY!!
Well, lots of little wedding details to work on tomorrow and my house is in desperate need of a good cleaning!!! We are heading to a cookout at Josh and Heather's tomorrow afternoon so I need to get my butt out of bed in the morning and get some stuff done!!
That's all for now. . toodles!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Makeup and Lighting

Title sounds like it should be about some big theatre production. . . but no. . .just the big production called our wedding. I went and had my makeup runthrough today so of course I had to snap some pics of the finished product. . .a prettier me! I just need to learn how to do my makeup better so it looks like this everyday! I absolutely cannot believe that there is only 22 days left until the wedding!! The last couple months have just flown by. There are lots of little things that still need to be done and a couple larger items, but for the most part we are all ready. Also working on getting ready for the honeymoon. . . be booked the rental car and a couple hotel nights the other day. I am so ready to escape to CA for a couple weeks. We do still have lots to do before that though also. . . order some tix for a few specific things we want to do while there, buy luggage, and I need to buy some more summer clothes.

This is the sample of our lighting that I rigged up in the basement just to see what it was going to look like. I really like the way it looks and I cannot wait to see the Firehouse all decorated. . .of course doing the decorating might not be so fun. I need to run over there sometime soon and get a better visual idea of how we are stringing the lights up.

We found out the other day that our church is doing a wedding shower for us. . .so that was unexpected but will be really nice. We are going to West Plains next weekend for Shawn and Karlee's wedding but have to come back on Sunday because that is when they are throwing the shower at church.
Beth and Lauren are getting the plans all underway for my bachelorette party and I am excited for that! I am sure I will get embarrassed some, but what other time in my life will I be able to wear a veil or tiara with inappropriate stuff on it. I can't wait. . .it will be so funny! Michael did not want any pictures taken at his bachelor party, but I kind of want some pictures of my bachelorette party.
Well. . . I guess that's all for now. I need to go think about some more wedding stuff. More specifically, try to figure out when I am going to fit in everything that still needs done. Hmmmm...
tomorrow is my last friday for 2 months. . . yeah! I am so happy to have Fridays off again, but that means back to 10 hour days which is not so wonderful.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I know. . .finally

So obviously I am super behind on blogging about my bridal shower. Shame on me right. Well...the shower was wonderful and I just finally got my Thank you cards handed out or mailed today. There was a really good turnout so that made me happy and everything looked nice. Beth did a really nice job with everything. One of the best moments was when Michael's sister, Laura, walked in. She lives up near Chicago and said she wasn't going to be able to make it down. . but she did, and brought Amelia with her. Michael's mom, my mom, and Beth all knew that she was actually coming and the secret was actually kept. I was really surprised and happy to see them! The following are pictures of me with people from Michael's side of the family. Becky has some pictures of our side of the family and I tried to get them from her, but the cd she gave me didn't I will have to get those and post some of them later. Amelia sitting on Micki's lap. She is getting so big so fast. She was excited to be there on a trip with just her and her mom.

Lets see, this next pic is Michael's mom, Theresa, Laura, Amelia and I.

These are the flowers that Beth made for all of the tables. They are pom-pom flowers. I think some of these are what I am going to use as my bouquet for the rehearsal and the ones that are just red/black/white I am actually going to use as centerpieces at the wedding reception.

And then this is the massive piles of gifts I got to open. I honestly felt kind of awkward sitting in front of everyone opening up presents. Michael and I were very lucky though and received a lot of wonderful gifts.
It's kind of funny because the one thing that people are still talking about from the shower is the food. Beth had lots of delicious desserts. The following is a list of what she made.
Oreo Truffles
Brownie Candy Cups
Poppy Seed Cake
Blueberry Crumb Bars
Red Velvet Oreos
Cherry Cream Cheese Turnovers
Golden Oreo Truffles
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies
White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake Bars
White Chocolate Macademia Nut Cookies
It was all yum and there were lots left over too. I think my favorite things were all of the things that had fruit. . .the cherry turnovers, the blueberry crumb bars (absolutely loved these!!), and the raspberry cheesecake bars.
She had a lot of recipe requests for the delicious food!
Lets see. . . .what else has been going on since the shower. . . not much really, just wedding planning and trying to keep my house clean. We went and hung out around the bonfire at Waylon and Jessica's last weekend, so that was nice and relaxing. It was colder though that day and silly me had capris on so I was absolutely freezing!!
We went out with a group of friends for Cinco de Mayo. We just went to Cielito Lindo's, but it was a lot of fun. I had two Bahama Mama's and finished a small pitcher of margarita's for someone. It was fun.
Nothing much else, except that I am exhausted and want to go to bed. Michael and I got up early this morning and walked and then this evening we met up with some friends and we walked the track at MSU. Then ran quite a bit also, but I only ran a little.
Beth and I are going out to eat and to see a movie this Saturday, so I am looking forward too that. I am pretty sure we are going to go see 'Angels and Demons' because we have both read and really liked the book. I don't know where we are going to eat yet, but I think we are going to do a bit of work on some wedding stuff also.
Well. . .I think that's all for now. Michael and I need to get up and go to the gym in the morning, so I think I am going to call it a day!
I will try to not let such a lapse occur before I am back again!