Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I am liking the 8:30-5:00 job right now. It's different. It is really nice getting off at five, although the traffic stinks a lot more than it does at 7pm. (We will see if I still like it come Friday though. I am going to miss not having Friday free)

I actually came home the last 2 nights and cleaned a little and made dinner. I felt so productive! I am not cooking tonight though. . .we are having leftovers! Yum. . . It works though.

Tonight after I got home I got on the Wii Fit for the first time in far too long and actually excercised some. I have REALLY got to start being better about exercising. My problem is I always think about it right before I go to sleep and instead of getting up right then and doing it. . .I think that I will get up earlier in the morning to just get in 20 minutes even. Then the morning comes and I don't remember my decision from the night before, the only thing I think is what is the latest I can sleep in and get ready. As I said, I REALLY need to start being better about it. . . all of it. It is supposed to be 50-60 degrees for the next 4 days, so maybe I will go walk outside with Beth or Michael.

Nothing else really going on. . . I reworked my sample layout for the reception hall and I think it is better than the prior one. I want to get someone else's opinion though before I place my rental order.

I gave Michael all of my tax stuff this morning for him to get my taxes done today. It would be nice if I got a chunk back, but realistically I will just be happy if I don't have to pay in.

I think I am going to go work on my guest book pages some more.


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