Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Adventures on the lake.

I said last night I would post pics from our brief trip up to the lake so here dey are! This trip was lots of fun but Oh My Gosh I am still so sore today. My ab muscles and arm muscles hurt so bad, which I figure must be from tensing to try and stay in the tube. Plus, I am quite tender and a bit more burnt than originally thought. ;(

This is Jake and Laura's dog, Bert. Isn't he a cutie? He was a sweetheart and made me want a dog. There was another dog there named Otis who was quite cute also. They were funny playing because they each wanted this duck that was actually Otis' toy, but as soon as one dropped it the other picked it up. This is Jake and Laura's nephew, Darby, who had no qualms at all about getting out onto the surfbikes. It's not fair. . . its so much easier for kids to ride these things. I guess because of their low center of gravity. . .or whatever! I just know he had to try to tip it over versus me who can't hardly stay upright on the darn things.
Darby did get it tipped over though and the first time wasn't sure how to get it flipped back over so he just climbed on and rode it back to the dock.

I loved their tube because it was so easy to stay in. You could actually enjoy a crazy ride without constantly getting thrown and having to climb back in. I just know when I was out tubing I had a fantastic time (even though I am suffering now). My biggest problem was actually that I was laughing so hard I was having a hard time breathing at times. . .which is not necessarily what you want when you are flying along the water, holding on for dear life, and trying not too get too much spray in your eyes. This picture below is of Jake and Darby out on the tube 1st.
I did manage to get a picture of Michael and I while we were zipping along in the boat. The first one didn't work so well due to the large wake we hit when I tried to take it, but this one is okay. I do look horrible without makeup on though. . .
Laura and their niece, Josie were next one the tube. She was scared of going on the boat at first and then in the tube, but she gradually eased up and I think she had a lot of fun. After Josie, I got in with Laura, and then Josie got back in with both of us and sat on the divided in the middle with both of us, especially Laura, trying to hold her down. She really started to like it and kept giving the sign to go faster. Laura and I held her and got her to put her arms up in the air, which took some coaxing but then we could hardly get her to keep them down. We were just cracking up because she was going wild and kept giving the sign for them to give us a crazy ride!!
I love everything about being out in the boat. . .the ride through the waves, the water spray, turning left or right and riding high or low along the water, and the clouds. This is a pretty picture I took of the sky while we were zooming around on the lake. It is very peaceful and makes we want to just go back out on the water. Unfortunately, I don't think Michael is anywhere near as big of a fan. He likes being by the water but not necessarily on it or in it.
Okay, so Michael had this crazy cut going on with his facial there when we got there that he kept joking was his tribute to X-men. . .don't ask. . .I'm not really sure why. Well, when we got up on Monday morning it turns out that Jake decided to shave like that also and have a laugh with Michael. Silly boys. It does make for a funny picture though!

Laura and her sister, Mattie, out playing on the surfbikes. Mattie kept trying all sorts of positions on the front and back while Laura was trying to pedal around. . .they flipped themselves quite a bit.
Jake showing off his mad surfbike skills. Now he just needs to take off the Cruz wing (the training wheels for the surfbikes). Actually, he is very good on them and was just on the one with the trainging wheels because the girls were playing on the other one. I think he took it off soon after this because it really slows you down and makes it a hell of a lot harder to turn.
I lot of these pics were taken mid-morning and it was still foggy and gray outside. The sun eventually burned through, but that's the reason some of these pics are blurry. . . at least the ones Michael took anyway. :) I love you babe.
Here is a clip of the surfbikes in action. . .or not. . . it takes to freakin long so forget it! It's kind of funny because the surfbikes are actually something of a novelty and not a lot of people have seen or heard of them. We got some funny looks by people going by on boats. We could even hear one little girl yell, "Look at that!" and then we watched as everyone on the boat turned their heads back to look our way.
Anyway, that's all for now. I know I still owe you people some honeymoon pics so hopefully that is coming soon. I am going to go work on my scrapbook page that is in process so I will be back later.

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