Wednesday, August 4, 2010

that's a lie....

That is how I feel about the fact that it is already the beginning of August!  I just cannot believe it, nor can I believe that I haven't posted on here in almost 2 months!  Where the hell did I go? 

I guess I just got out of the habit when Michael came home because I didn't spend that much time on the computer while he was here and then it was just hard to pick back up.  Even right now the thought of playing catch-up on what has happened since my last post does not sound appealing.  Therefore, I am going to just give you some highlights and then I might go back and do individual posts on some of these things...and then again I might not. 

  • Michael came home on 6/21/10, a day earlier than I expected him too and work was too crazy for me to leave so he called his mom to come get him.  I still had to work a half day on the 22nd and then I had the 23rd off
  • 6/23 - we slept in and then went out for lunch and to see Toy Story 3, which was funny.  I don't remember what I thought were the funniest parts...but I liked when Buzz got put on the Spanish setting, seeing Ken model some of his different outfits, Ken insisting he is not a girls's toy, and Mr Potato head commenting on the Lincoln Logs in the sandbox and Hamm says, "Eh...I don't think those were Lincoln logs."

6/24 - Went to second play of the season for Tent Theatre with Becky.  We saw Noises Off which I think was my favorite one of the three.  It was hilarious!

6/27 - Drove to KC after church and spent a fun evening with Jake and Laura.  We ate at Em Chamas Brazilian Grill (yummy!) and went to see a double feature at Twin Drive-In.  I was honestly the first time I have been to a drive in...well, that I can remember anyway.  I meant to get a picture of the sign because it looked really cool, but I forgot :(  We had a blast hanging out with the Boswells' but it made for a very late night!

6/28 - Our flight left the KC airport at 6:15am which made for a very early morning and then we got stuck at the Detroit airport for an extra 5 hours or so because they cancelled our flight.  Luckily we made it standby onto, not the next flight, but the one after that

6/28 to 7/4 We were in Philly and this one will have a whole separate post later...too much to share

6/30 - even with the walking I did in Philly I didn't reach my 30 mile Walk/Run Challenge goal for the month of June.  I think I ended with about 16 miles.  I am considering redoing this challenge for August but haven't fully decided yet.  Guess I better soon since it is already the 4th!

7/4 Our flight left Philly for KC at 6am and then as soon as we got in, we drove to Fordland to celebrate the 4th of July with my family.  It was a really long day!

7/5 On our last full day together we drove to Branson to check out our Treasure Lake membership that Michael's grandma transferred to us.  While we were there we went and saw the 3rd Twiglight installment, Eclipse, at the theatre

7/7 Michael left in the morning :( and then I had to go to work

7/10 - I went to Waylon and Jessica's 4th of July BBQ and then to the last Tent Theatre play with Laura.  We saw Guys and Dolls, which was the most musical of the three plays I saw this season.  After the play was over I went back to Waylon and Jessica's for a little while longer

I spent the next week moping and didn't accomplish much of anything besides wishing Michael hadn't left...but once I get past that initial period I adjust and am fine again :)

7/17 - Went to pick blueberries with my mom, who was watching Trey and Taylor that day.  Trey got bored really quick and started playing with his cars in the dirt.  Taylor decided that she needed to transfer the berries in her bucket to my bucket...which means I spent some time going back through my bucket.  She was just picking all the berries...didn't understand that the green and red ones needed to stay on the bush!  It had rained the night before so after picking for a bit my fingers were all pruned and looked like I had been in the bath too long.

7/23 - went to Sounds on the Square with Beth, mainly to see the Ernie Biggs piano players and Icon Cadence.  When we got there it was really hot so we ditched the piano players and went to the mudlounge instead for a oh so delicious smoothie.  I don't remember what mine was called, but it was coconut, pineapple, and banana which is a combination that I LOVE!  We did catch Icon Cadence which was really cool, especially at the very end when they poured water on the big drums!  While we were down there we also walked through the Friday Night Farmers Market near the square, which I was not all the impressed with, and ate dinner at Trolley's, which was great!  Beth and I shared the Irish Nacho's which are actually on waffle fries instead of chips (love waffle fries!) and we both thought they were wonderful!  We also split the Tuscan Sun pizza which was also good...but not as good as the Irish Nacho's!  Here are a few pics from that night, but for more visit Beth's blog

7/25 - I planned a whole 'surprise outing' for Beth and went to a whole bunch of different places.  She never knew where we were going until I handed her the next card.  That's all I am really going to say about that for now.  I might do a separate post later...but until then, Beth has a large post about it on her blog :)

7/26 - My 29th Birthday - I got a card, cheesecake, and a Bath and Body gift card from the girls at work, lots of Happy Birthday wishes on Facebook, and a Happy Birthday serenade at work that Michael put my Uncle Paul up to.  Michael told me to go pick up Photoshop for myself as my gift from him because I told him that's what I wanted...but now I am actually thinking about buying a Kindle instead...still not sure...

7/31 - My birthday party put together by Beth.  We did a luau theme and she had a lot of really cute decor and lots of yummy food.  She bought me a pink grass skirt and colorful flower leis to wear...along with a box of leis for everyone else to wear.  Unfortunately, we both failed miserably at taking pictures. 

8/1 - I went and saw Gloriana and Rodney Atkins at the Ozark Empire Fair with Mark, Brandy, Waylon, and Jess.  Gloriana was okay...Rodney was great!  It was just crazy hot which kind of lessened the enjoyment.  While at the fair I gobbled up a yummy corn dog and shared a funnel cake with Jess!  Again pictures :(  I was very unhappy that I forgot my camera because I would have been able to get some great shots with my telephoto lens!

Well, that basically brings us up to date.  Have a few more specific posts I would like to do from the last 6 weeks or so but I hope to get around to those in the next few days.  Also probably an upcoming post with some wedding pictures I meant to post around our 1 yr anniversary in June, and a post taking stock of where I am at on my list of 50 goals since I now have less than 365 days!

That's all for now though.  I need to wrap up on the computer and think about heading to bed soon.  So glad tomorrow is Thursday...wish it was friday :)

Later, Lis

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