Wednesday, January 28, 2009

These are no ordinary days

So the last few days have been out of the ordinary. . .considering I went home 2 hours early on Monday, only worked about 5 hours on Tuesday, and I did not go into work at all today! The reason. . .snow and ice. This was really our first actual winter storm of the season. It started Monday afternoon and didn't really let up until late on Tuesday/early Wednesday. It has been nice though because I have gotten quite a bit accomplished. Michael hasn't been home since Monday morning either. He just stayed the last two nights out in Pleasant Hope instead of driving home and then driving back to work. It has been nice to have the bed all to myself for a couple days!

When I left this morning to attempt to go to work, I got the Nox stuck. So I went out later this afternoon and worked on getting it unstuck. Before I came back in I made a beautiful snow angel! I know. . .not really very beautiful and, oh my gosh, was it cold! I haven't made one in a really long time though, so it was fun. I finally finished the Harry Potter series, which was really good! I am glad that they tied up all the loose ends with Snape, because I was just so curious the whole time what was going to happen there. I think I am done with any series of books for awhile though, I am just so horrible about becoming obsessed and that is all I want to do. I have too much other stuff to do right now. . . . . . like wedding stuff! I have managed to get a little bit more planning done for the wedding and I actually got some more craft stuff done for it. I had decorated my unity candle once before, but it was just blah! so I redid it and I *love* it now. It is so cute!

I also decorated the two H's that I have had for awhile. One of them is going to be my wedding cake topper. Probably the red one with the crystals and the little black/white gingham bow. Isn't it fun! Beth said the bow looks like it is wearing its own little garter. :) I am not sure yet what I am doing with the black one with red polka-dots. Probably just displaying it somewhere around the reception site. I am glad I finally got these painted though. . . it has been on my mind to get done for quite some time.
(I just need to figure out what for sure to put on the bottom of this one in order to stand it up on my cake. . .any ideas?)
While I was working on the candle and painting, Beth was working on another page for my guest book. Don't you just LOVE the heart made out of buttons!
Michael just got home so just a couple more things real quick. Beth and I did manage to make it out today and go to Wal-Mart for groceries. While there I picked up these pretty slippers because I threw my old ones out a few months ago and I am tired of not having any. I think they are a really pretty blue and extremely soft.

When we got home and I was bringing groceries in I noticed a few things out of whack. Some of the pictures on the top shelf of my bookcase were knocked over, my mirror hanging on the wall was crooked, and the ivy I have hanging over my kitchen sink was halfway pulled down. I was afraid I knew what the reason was so I started looking for more proof and sure enough. . . bird crap. I yelled at Beth and told her I thought there was a bird in the house which she was really not happy about ( you know why if you have been reading her blog). She said she would watch out for it down stairs and after walking through the house clapping my hands (trying to scare it out of its hiding place) I just started to put my groceries away. Well. . . I bumped the stove and chaos ensued. [I just had to look up the word ensue to make sure I was spelling it right and the example that the dictionary has for using the word is "the birds escaped and chaos ensued". How funny is that!]
Anyway, the stupid bird was hiding underneath my stove and came flying out and dive-bombed me. Well, I ran around the house closing all of the doors but propped the front door and screen door open. Beth came back upstairs about that time and we rushed the bird holding up a board. The bird flew past us and then thankfully flew right out the door!
Hmmmm. . . Michael is outside scraping the snow off of the front steps. Maybe I should have done that today. Beth's reaction, " What a good little man you have, cleaning off the steps so you don't fall".
Beth and I are making breakfast for dinner tonight. . .eggs, bacon, and pancakes. . .so I guess I should go help her. I will definitely have to make it into work tomorrow and then I also work Friday for the next month, so I imagine I will be back some time this weekend.
Hope everyone in this area enjoyed our display of winter precipitation!
Later, Lisa

1 comment:

Beth said...

i really like the first picture that you have posted of the snow. its purdy. oh and i also really like that button filled heart. its amazing. who did that? oh yeah, me. i'm a genius, what can i say?