Sunday, May 16, 2010


There goes another Saturday....but this one I actually got quite a bit accomplished which makes me happy.  I love going and doing stuff on Saturdays, but sometimes it is nice to just stay home and work around the house.  Becky came over today with her kiddos and she helped me hang some stuff in the bedroom, pictures and my vinyl cling that Beth bought for me Christmas 2008 and I finally put up.  Yay!  I did have to wait until we moved though because I did not want to put it up in the old house.  The following are pictures from my bedroom now after I rearranged it and put the stuff on the walls.  That also means that I have one more thing from my list of 50 accomplished....#25 - hang pictures and vinyl wall cling in bedroom.  Yay! again for accomplishing stuff off of my list.  I only have 4 completely done, but a couple other in process. 
After we hung the stuff in the bedroom (which took much longer than I originally anticipated) I made lunch.  We had chicken alfredo (yummy!) and green beans (which Taylor is crazy about).  While Becky and I had been working in the bedroom we tried to get the kids to watch Lady and the Tramp but they were just not interested.  That is one of my favorite older cartoons, but it did not hold their attention.  Of course, they requested to watch Aladdin, which did not hold their attention either...too much other interesting stuff going on I guess. 

After lunch we headed upstairs where we began to work on the horribly messy bonus room.  This room has been a catch-all since we moved in and it is getting out of control.  Becky helped me for almost an  hour before she had to head out, but then I worked on it another 5 hours by myself.  These are the before pictures....

And these are the after pictures....
As I said, still a lot to be done and I didn't even get to the corner over by the door.  Now instead of boxes for of miscelleous stuff, I have it all sorted into stacks...and the stacks Michael needs to go through are the and barbershop stuff. 

I guess that's about all for now.  This took me longer to get posted because Michael called in the middle and I got to talk to him for a bit, which is always nice.  I miss him so much and I don't even want to think about how much time we really have left...just focus on getting to R&R first.  I love you baby!

That's all for me tonight...

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