Wednesday, May 5, 2010

For sale....

So on Saturday May 1st I accomplished #29 off of my list of 50 things to do before I turn 30...I had a garage sale.  This was actually the first garage sale I have ever organized.  I have thrown a few items here and there into other people's garage sales, but this was my first one.  I'm thinking actually the first of three this year because Mama, Becky, and I are talking about possibly having another one in July and September.  I'm thinking it might take me that long to get everything cleaned out of storage.  I got some stuff pulled out for this one, but there is still so much more.  :(
This picture is at about 7am right after the community wide garage sale was billed to start.  We opened our doors about 6:30 and had a few people stroll though before 7am.  It was so incredibly bright too with the sunrise right in our eyes!
This is our pretty little row of vehicles parked down the road a bit to give plenty of room for people to park along our drive.
Mama and Becky
The garage at about 1:30pm right before we closed up for the day.  We were all exhausted.
This was our grand total...$494.15...too bad over $260 of it was Becky's.  She had a lot of kids toys, books, and clothes which sold really well. 

Overall I think it was a very successful garage sale and unfortunately the next one probably won't go as well since it is not a community wide one and will not draw nearly the crowd that this one did. 

After the garage sale on Saturday I worked on a couple boxes of stuff I had pulled out of storage Friday night that I did not get a chance to go through.  I had three boxes of stuff pulled out and ended up trashing enough to fill one of the boxes back up.  Tons of miscellaneous stuff in there and I even found an old bag car that's old!  While I was going through all that Waylon called and invited me over for drinks and a bonfire.  I spent the rest of the evening hanging out with them in front of a bonfire laughing and having a good time...and trying to avoid the rain.  I love sitting around a fire with good friends. 

The following pictures are from my deck after I got home from work on Monday...actually after I ran an errand (but you'll hear more about that tomorrow :)  Luckily my deck has a very nice view of the setting sun so I just need to accomplish #35 off of my list patio furniture.  I was just so happy to be getting home and still have it be nice and light outside after getting off at 8pm all last month!  I just made myself a quick sandwich for dinner and stood out on my deck enjoying the wonderful weather and taking these beautiful pictures.  I already set the first one as the background screen on my computer.  I love how you can see the rays of light streaming through the sky!
I got a 4 drawer filing cabinet from work that they were getting rid of and now I need to work on moving everything over from my current 2 drawer filing cabinet.  I have been wanting a 4 drawer one for a while now so yay! for free shtuff!!  I think I am going to go through everything as I move it over too which is not so exciting but needs to be done. 

I guess that's about all for now.  My aunt&uncle and their kids are coming into town this weekend and staying with my parents so it will be nice to see them and hang out some.  Work right now is really busy and tons going on...which equals stressful.  I am definitely ready for the weekend!

come what may <3

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