Saturday, June 12, 2010

so far today...

   Hello all!  Hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday so far.  I have been fairly productive but cannot believe that it is already 2:30pm!  I still have lots more I wanted to get done today but I wanted to jump on here real quick and share a few pics of my day so far...

First up I wanted to share pics of a couple things I mentioned in my last post.  This is a picture of the birthstone ring that Michael bought for me for our anniversary (which is year down!)

and the mirror I picked up last weekend while thrift shopping. I know it needs cleaned up and I am not sure yet if I want to leave it wood or paint it...what do you think? I am actually thinking that I want to paint it a blue or green to match my living room rugs.
Right now I am in love with this open lot next to my house.  Everytime this week that I have passed it while leaving for work in the morning I think...that field is so pretty!  Well, this morning I passed it a couple times while out walking and after I was done I ran in and grabbed my I have pretty pics :) 

Ready for my love to walk across this mat.  Only 10 days left...yay!  I am so excited to see him!
Finished this scrapbook page last night.  Now that its done I am thinking it may be waayy to busy...but too late now.  Overall I like it and I got to use my Cricut again for the title JOY and for the Christmas tree reliefs.  I have stuff to get five more pages done so I need to get cracking on that!
 (BTW, this is a layout from Christmas 08...yeah...I'm that behind)
I was hoping to have all of those pages done by the end of the weekend, but I'm not sure that is going to happen seeing as I have other stuff I still need to get done also, like cleaning and planning for our upcoming trip to Philadelphia some more. 

 Also, tonight Beth and I are going to see a Tent Theatre play at midnight...The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.  I am really excited because I have never been to Tent Theatre and I love seeing plays and musicals!  That also means after tonight I will have accomplished another thing on my list...#48 Go see a play or musical.  I actually ended up buying 2 season passes to Tent Theatre for 2010...which means by the end of summer I will have seen three!  I am taking one sister to each play with me and maybe next year (depending upon what plays they are doing) maybe Michael and I will buy season passes for 2011! 
I intend to gets some pics of Beth and I tonight when we go to Tent Theatre so I will share those tomorrow.  For now I am going to get off of here and get back to scrapping!
Come what may <3

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