Friday, April 16, 2010

love notes version 4...and 10 reasons why...

Love I cannot wait until you come home for R&R and we get to snuggle and kiss!
Ten Reasons Why I Think My Husband Is Wonderful

1.  He makes me laugh and he laughs at my pathetic attempts to be funny
2.  He is an extrovert to my introvert so he forces me to move outside of my bubble...and nothing bad has happened yet
3.  He is financially responsible and doesn't think I am crazy for my budgeting/planning/tracking most things money related
4.  He is really supportive when I am sick and doesn't get irritated with me...because I get super whiny when I don't feel well
5.  He loves his family dearly and enjoys spending time with them, so he understands that I feel the same way about mine
6.  He agrees with me that sometimes when you are on a date or a trip, it is necessary to go all out and just enjoy it...thinking about how much it costs thoroughly destoys the enjoyment of the experience
7.  He is a very patient and easy-going person and rarely ever fly's off the handle at anyone
8.  He is a people person and he is just as comfortable hanging around his family and friends that he has known forever as he is hanging around my family and friends, or even walking into a room where he doesn't know a soul...which definitely helps to keep my anxiety level low
9.  He is going to be a fantastic father...although maybe too lenient
10.  He doesn't judge me...just pushes me to be better or do better...but still accepts me if I  choose not too

I could probably keep going because there are tons of reasons why I love this man, but we'll cap it today at ten...and people say you will never meet anyone decent in a bar.  Sheesh, what do they know!  I am so glad that we met and exchanged phone numbers almost six years ago.  Who knew that going out for drinks and dancing with the girls on a Thursday night would have such a huge and permanent impact on my life!
Also so glad that I ignored my first impression...really, the man is not a fantastic dresser, but I still adore him.  I don't even want to try and imagine what my life would have been like with no Michael. :(  I really do love you baby, forever and ever, and ever.  XOXO

Now I need to get my butt off of here and go clean my filthy dirty house.  I do exaggerate some because its not that disguisting, just too much so for me to be happy.  Also, I still have lots to do to prepare for an upcoming garage sale.  Hopefully I sell lots!

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