Today I completed the first goal on my list of 50 things to accomplish before I turn I only have 49 left! It still sounds like so much...I guess probably because it is! I accomplished goal #26 off of my list...Get my wedding rings soldered (realized I spelled that wrong in the original list..oops). Well I dropped my rings off last Sunday after the baby shower and then I popped into the Icing to buy a cheap replacement ring. The following was my temporary engagement ring while I waiting for my real one back.
Today I got a call that my rings were ready so I went and picked it up after work. I am so happy to have my real ring back, the cheap one I bought was pretty but it was already starting to turn my finger green. 

Again, so happy to have my beautiful Emma back and it is so pretty! I had Helzberg redo the white gold too while they had it in the shop. Yay!
I told Michael I bought a replacement ring and I guess he thought I meant a nicer ring because when I told him it was only $8 he asked why I didn't just buy a real ring in Helzberg. So now I'm thinking hhhmmmmm.....I want another ring. I actually saw one in their catalog that I want and I told Michael so and sent him the link for it. Maybe he will buy it for me...hint, hint. It's a birthstone ring and rubies (July birthstone) are more often paired with yellow gold than white gold so I think this one is really pretty because I would rather have white gold...not a huge fan of yellow gold.
Speaking of jewelry, over last weekend I bought five new pairs of earrings which is not normal for me. I bought some at Kohl's (I love their little clearance jewelry section!) and some at the Icing while I was there buying my replacement ring! The three from Kohls were all on clearance and the two from Icing were BOGO half off, so I didn't spend anywhere near the amount that I could have! :)
After work today when I picked up my ring I grabbed some oh so delicious nuggets from Chik-Fil-A...and they were everything I expected them to be. YUM! I also went and mailed a package to Michael and picked up some new flat-rate boxes so I can make more packages for him! Speaking of Michael, we know his R&R dates...yay! Now we just have to get out tickets to Philadelphia and I am so excited to go on another trip! Unfortunately the plane tickets are quite a bit more now than they were about a month ago when I originally priced them....guess that's just the luck of the draw!
I spent several hours this evening pricing all of the stuff that I have pulled out for a garage sale on May 1st. I got all of this stuff priced, but there is still so much stuff in storage I could still pull out. I'm staring to think a garage sale might just be too much of a pain in the butt to do again...although hopefully if there is a next time we won't have a storage building full of crap to get rid of! I'm going to be incredibly disillusioned if I don't make some money from this thing.......
Mama and Becky are doing it with me and they are coming out tomorrow afternoon to bring there stuff and set it up...luckily they are also bringing more tables because the ones I have are full!
I'm outta here, I gotta go to bed.
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